This 218,055-acre pristine wilderness near the Canadian border is a water lover's dream, attracting avid kayakers and ...
“I am out with lanterns, looking for myself.” Those were the words of poet Emily Dickenson, but they could aptly describe ...
This new Caligula, re-edited by Thomas Negovan using 96 hours of recently discovered footage, remains a bizarre mix of ...
This new Caligula, re-edited by Thomas Negovan using 96 hours of recently discovered footage, remains a bizarre mix of pretension, melodrama, historic liberties and pornography, punctuated by ...
Political observers have said Kennedy intends to sell his endorsement to whoever would be the highest bidder. Reportedly, Kennedy was willing to endorse Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris ...
The first “General Assembly,” composed of 22 representatives from 11 Virginia “boroughs,” was the first representative legislative assembly in the New World. The General Assembly met in Jamestown for ...
The media-dubbed “coalition of the ascendant” of women and minorities has made historic gains in our nation, yet according to the Federal Communications Commission, these communities own only a ...
Nestled between eight mountain ranges lies an Asian metropolis rivaling the population of New York, the culture of Tokyo and the backdrop of Denver. With a population greater than NYC, at over 10 ...
Despite their humble origins growing up in working-class Liverpool, nothing could hold them back, even as sophisticated Londoners looked down their noses at these lads from the supposedly uncouth ...
When Hollywood filmmakers find a successful formula, they can be counted on to revisit it, and that assured us of another film teaming Adam Sandler with Drew Barrymore. Unfortunately, “Blended” isn’t ...
An environmental organization with a $350 million war chest, a giant protest vessel, 28 activists and a rubber raft have succeeded in drawing Russian President Vladimir V. Putin into a very public ...