Durov recently confirmed that Telegram has updated its terms of service, making it much harder for criminals using the platform. The new policy includes significant changes ...
Telegram founder and chief executive Pavel Durov said Monday that the messaging platform had removed more "problematic ...
The lawyers, upon the arrangement of judges, held a moment of silence for Adrian Angus, the 39-year-old defense lawyer who’d ...
One million Israelis were ordered to hide in bomb shelters on Tuesday as Hezbollah launched 300 rockets across the Lebanon ...
A 34-year-old man was arrested from the Kolkata General Post Office (GPO) on Tuesday for allegedly trying to videograph a female employee when she was inside the washroom, police said. The accused is ...
With four months left in office, Biden stepped up to the green-marbled lectern at the U.N. General Assembly with wars in ...
Senior, former and current players of the Flying Fijians have raised questions about the whereabouts of the €600k which is ...