Radio frequency (RF) systems are central to particle accelerators, and they require a wide variety of test and measurement ...
Given the long timescales involved in building large colliders, it is vital that the community reaches a consensus to enable ...
Atsuhiko Ochi made significant contributions to MPGD and other gaseous detectors. Credit: Kobe University . Atsuhiko Ochi, a ...
It’s undeniable, though, that much has stayed the same. A high-energy physics lab still needs to be fast, cool, collaborative ...
First developed for the Large Hadron Collider, hybrid pixel detectors are now changing the face of X-ray imaging in medical ...
BASE takes antiprotons that have been decelerated by the Antiproton Decelerator and the Extra Low Energy Antiproton ...
Simone Ragoni’s book is a delightful gift for anyone whom you want to inspire to become a particle physicist of tomorrow, ...
Credit: T2K Collab. Neutrino physics requires baselines both big and small, and neutrinos both artificial and astrophysical.
Recently, researchers at the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov observatory in Mexico reported the observation of ultra-high ...
The wonder and awe that we sense when we look at the starry skies is a major motivation to do science. Both Plato (Theaetetus ...
Inspired by CERN’s international teacher programme and visits to other major labs, Joe Muise has found a powerful way to ...
Matthew McCullough argues that beyond-the-Standard Model physics may be most strongly expressed in the Higgs self-coupling.