But even in heated election years, presidential politics rarely intrudes. The former first lady called her past work a “celebration of the human form” in a video, the latest in a series ...
In Week 1 of the Headway Election Challenge, we heard from more than 200 teens. By Terry Parris Jr. In 2023, Ankita Jaikumar wasn’t very politically active. “It’s crazy that last year I didn ...
Congress appears unlikely to pass any of the laws it has been promising to safeguard this year’s election from the threat of artificial intelligence. With experts warning about threats to ...
Catholic numbers in battleground states make them a good weathervane, and indeed they tend to vote for the winner in presidential elections. If you win Catholics, you probably win the country.
Sign-up for Your Vote: Text with the USA TODAY elections team. “I've heard we don't stand any chance to win out here as Democrats in this district, but I am a firm believer that we need to ...
Les noms des 27 membres de la nouvelle Commission européenne ont été rendus publics ce mardi à Strasbourg par Ursula von der ...
Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia, le candidat de l’opposition vénézuélienne qui revendique la victoire à l’élection présidentielle du ...
Ministre démissionnaire des Affaires étrangères et secrétaire général du parti présidentiel Renaissance, Stéphane Séjourné, ...
Affaibli par la dissolution de l’Assemblée nationale, le chef de l’État a cédé à la demande d’Ursula von der Leyen, au risque ...
La ministre des Affaires étrangères, Hadja Lahbib, a renoncé à être candidate aux élections communales à Schaerbeek où elle ...
« Vous proposez des mesures sans queue ni tête, qui ne sont partagées par personne en Europe, notamment ce concept de double ...
The 2024 presidential election cycle is the first time in at least 60 years that a single candidate hasn’t been ahead 5 points or more in the polls for three-plus weeks, according to an analysis ...